Travelling Light Photographic Images

Volume Three - California and Alaska

We didn’t plan on spending anytime around Los Angeles but the volcanic eruption in Iceland meant we were unable to catch our original flight and further complications with a subsequent flight meant we were delayed by 11 days and stranded in Los Angeles twice. When we could, we just moved away from Los Angeles and further along the coast but when we had to return to hopefully catch a flight, we went to Manhattan Beach. It was on the free shuttle route that the hotel ran and it was something to do to alleviate the stress of our complicated travel plans. In fact it turned out to be an interesting distraction. The seafront is occupied by an interesting assortment of houses; some quite ordinary and others of a very Hollywood Star quality. You can’t help but glance in the windows but then you wonder whether that is what the occupants want. After I returned home I only then noticed in the second shot I had taken that the occupant was staring back out at me. I loved this window and it will definitely be included in my ongoing series of window photos. It has such character and everything just seemed so perfectly placed.

2 O'Clock, Manhattan Beach, California

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