Travelling Light Photographic Images

Volume Three - Cornwall and UK

I enjoy simplicity. It is a rare thing these days, lost I think sometime during the sixties and the seventies. If you are old enough, you might know where I’m coming from with this. If you don’t, then just forget what I said and get back to Tweeting on your I-phone or whatever it is you do. Anyway, my point is this; simplicity can be interesting and it can even be complex. Take this shot. I got some stones and put them on another big rock in a line. I liked the way it looked. It appealed to the 70’s child in me. Then I got drawn in more after I had taken the shot. Take another look; do the shadows on the two right hand pebbles make sense to you? They must do because that is how it was but they almost don’t add up. It is a simple shot with a complex thought and a simple explanation.

Stone Row, Dorset

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