Travelling Light Photographic Images

Volume Three - Wildlife

I had been desperate to see sea otters beyond the quick glances amongst the seaweed and the surf. On our trip up the coast we had stopped off in a car park beside an inlet to sit and have lunch. Before I started eating I got out to stretch my legs and after driving for quite awhile, I stared into the space in front of me. I vaguely took in the fact that there were lots of rocks in the water and was about to turn back towards the car before I realised that those rocks were floating. There were about 20 sea otters right in front of me and I had nearly missed them. As I stumbled back towards the car to grab my camera, I could hardly contain my excitement but Phil managed to work out what I was on about and closely followed. We met a lady who was also watching them and she explained that this particular group, some of which were tagged, were the boys. The girls were further up the inlet with the babies. This remains the closest I have been to sea otters but I hope, as my sister works as a wildlife biologist with sea otters, that one day I might get a chance to get closer.

The Boys, Moss Landing, California

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